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After the USSR
After the USSR
  • 18 min
  • Kyrgyz
  • Russian
Watch at
Meerman apa is the only hope for the village of Toktobek-Sai, which is surrounded by water. Forty families live on the peninsula. Our heroine, having no medical education, helps people with the help of healing herbs and a special gift that nature has awarded her. For 30 years, she has helped 137 women give birth. Now she shares her experience with others.
Film crew
  • Director:
    Aikol Nurlanbek uulu
  • Screenwriter:
    Aikol Nurlanbek uulu
  • Cinematographer:
    Karash Janyshov
  • Producer:
    Stanbulbek Mambetaliev
  • Composer:
    Yrysbek Toktorov
  • Sound operator:
    Kalybek Sherniyazov
  • Theme:
    Women, Village, Ethnography
  • Film studio:
    Кыргызско-Турецкий университет "Манас"
  • Language:
  • Subtitles:
  • Artdocfest 2022
    Environment. After the USSR