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Sockeye Salmon. Red fish
  • 18+
  • 51 min
  • Krievu
  • Angļu
Parakstīties jaunumu saņemšanai par seansiem
Sockeye salmon is a type of wild salmon. She is born in the waters of Kamchatka, and then goes to the Pacific Ocean, where she spends her whole life. Only once does the sockeye salmon return to fresh water to give birth, start the wheel of life and die. This is an inexhaustible resource that feeds millions of people on the planet, reborn every year. But we may face the terrible fact that an inexhaustible resource will be exhausted through the fault of man.
Filmēšanas grupa
  • Režisors:
    Dmitry Shpilenok
  • Operators:
    Dmitry Shpilenok
  • Producents:
    Anna Sukhova
  • Komponists:
    George Himoroda
  • Skaņu režisors:
    Antonina Balashova
  • Žanrs:
    Dzīvnieku pasaule, Ekoloģija
  • Studija:
    ИП Шпиленок Дмитрий Петрович
  • Valoda:
  • Subtitri:
  • Artdocfest 2020
  • Lavr doc 2020