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Environment. Online
Environment. Online
Chronicles of my Love
  • 93 min
  • Russian, English, German
  • English
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The young acting troupe is at the peak of its fame and success. Under the guidance of the famous theater director Yuri Butusov, they create acutely relevant performances and bathe in the love of their audience. It seems that it will always be so, and they will forever remain young and popular. But there happens a moment when everything starts to collapse...
Film crew
  • Director:
    Sofia Nikiforova
  • Screenwriter:
    Sofia Nikiforova
  • Cinematographer:
    Maria Falileeva, Alexey Efremov, Veronika Telyatnikova
  • Producer:
    Dmitry Simonov
  • Composer:
    Nikita Konovalov
  • Sound operator:
    Faina Makoeva
  • Theme:
  • Film studio:
    Junior Production
  • Language:
    Russian, English, German
  • Subtitles:
  • Artdocfest 2023
    Environment. Online