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"Artdocfest" competition program
"Artdocfest" competition program
After the Deluge
  • 25 min
  • Russian
  • English
Watch at
Life in the provinces is a special world, a special way of life, a special relationship that is different from that in the big cities. Everyone here knows each other, and almost everything about each other. Everything here is like under a magnifying glass. The patriarchal way of life has changed little in recent years with technical progress. The old and the new. Everything here that is ugly bulges out with a vengeance, but the good things also do not go unnoticed. This film is a parable: a story about Russia, about the customs that prevail in the modern village.

The film is available only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Film crew
  • Director:
    Vladimir Eisner
  • Screenwriter:
    Vladimir Eisner
  • Cinematographer:
    Vladimir Tyumentsev
  • Producer:
    Valentina Fedorchenko
  • Sound operator:
    Oleg Khon
  • Theme:
    Lifestyle, Village, Ethnography, Philosophy
  • Film studio:
    ООО "Киностудия Азия-фильм"
  • Country of action:
  • Language:
  • Subtitles:
  • Artdocfest 2022